The A.E. Sabo Studio official ‘Ode to The Breeders’ Cup 2017’ Editorial Cartoon
‘Oh what happy times ye autumn doth bring,
the pinnacle of racing majesty be,
entertains before winter’s chill doth yields to spring’
—ye old racing poet
(go home poet, ye drunk…)
Yes, for US racing fans there is no finer official close to the year’s champion racing season then the wonderment that is The Breeders’ Cup World Championships. Two days of the sport’s finest will compete for the most prestigious of titles, the most elite of bragging rights and the most generous of purses.
Our editorial cartoon features a few crowd favorites who should grace this year’s card: (from left to right) Jose Ortiz swaying the good miss Elate, Rajiv Maragh to board By The Moon, Victor Espinoza to ride Stellar Wind, contender for the Breeders’ Cup Distaff Elate, Classic rival Gun Runner, 2016 Classic victor Arrogate, Big Money Mike Smith, a jumping Johnny ‘V’ Velazquez part of Team Pure Silver, and Joel Rosario pilot of Mind Your Biscuits.
This year’s best will compete amongst the backdrop of the lovely Del Mar Racetrack. Simply divine!
click on cartoon to enlarge

click on cartoon to enlarge
left to right: Jose Ortiz, Rajiv Maragh, Victor Espinoza, Elate, Gun Runner, Arrogate, Mike Smith, Johnny Velazquez, Joel Rosario.